Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Project based learning

Hello there!
How is your week going? I hope is great!
This week I have to present an idea to improve the creativity of the class with a project based learning plan.
When working with a Kindergarten group. I can think of exposing their thoughts and creativity with a community involvement to then show their parents. The students will be challenged to study, evaluate, discuss and show their simple knowledge of a community member that might have helped them or one that they might want to become in the future.
The learner will know that community members are people in our society that we see each day in our daily lives.  They might be a part of our family, a neighbor, someone who helps us in an emergency or simply connects with us through something as routine as our mail or trash.  The learner will understand that there are many community member careers that they also can try one day.

Starting with brainstorm to notice all the possible community members they could take note of, then labeling and understanding their careers. Reading more about them and writing a few small sentences on their information would come next, since they are small children parents would be of a lot of help. The children will explore their talents and motivations when approaching the member and understanding the way they want to express what they have learned. They will be provided of material and help in an effort for them to push their curiosity and talents so they are able to express in their own way.
At the end the students will use their creativity to present the community member or job they liked the most.

This type of activities, help students collaborate, think critically and communicate. They can go and ask community members, investigate and learn more about them. Then there are many things they could do to embrace their creativity and present their findings, from dressing up to building something or doing a representation. It would be very motivating and empowering for them to push their knowledge and have the liberty to present in the way they find fits best. There would be some boundaries and vocabulary they have to use so the activity continues to fit with the standards, but still their feelings and thoughts would be able to go through.

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