Friday, June 24, 2016

Interactive Game

Hello Everyone!
I am sharing with you today a lesson that includes a interactive game made on this amazing website called “Kahoot”.  The lesson is trying to fulfill the needs of a first grade level California Standards. “ CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.1.5
Explain major differences between books that tell stories and books that give information, drawing on a wide reading of a range of text types.”

To start the students will recall what they remember of the Three little pigs story. Who are the characters, what do they do, who tells the story, what is the environment like.  
Students will read the story again and define if the details they remember are the correct ones.
Questions will be produced by them. An informational worksheet with matching phrases will be administered.
The “True story of the three little pigs”  will be introduced, and after listening the information will again be brought up questions they will produce like who are the characters, what are they doing, who tells the story, where does it take place. A worksheet with specific information will be filled out about the story.

A video of both stories will be shown, allowing the students to remember and learn even more details about both stories.
The interactive game starts then, the classroom will split up in teams allowing them to answer the questions with the information they have just gathered.
After that the students will select a topic of information about the story (Characters, setting, problem, place, story). They will start creating a presentation in any form they want, a song, a poem, a representation, a presentation etc.  Comparing both stories in the specific area they selected.

Sometime will be given for students to select their answers and work on their products. A draft will be assessed along with the participation of the members of the team.
Before presenting their final products, they will play again individually this time, the questions will be mixed up and the understanding will be shown.
The direct link to the game is:

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