Thursday, April 21, 2016

Teaching Motivation

Hi there!
I want to dedicate this post to the motivation of perusing this career. Some might say I am too young to know, but as much as I love this profession I must say it is not an easy task. Being a teacher comes with a lot of work, effort, patience and a bunch of other attitudes and aptitudes that must be accomplished to be able to succeed. It also comes with ups and downs, a ton of sweet moments and other more bittersweet but to me the first ones have an easy win. I find inspiration in simple details, things like a smile on the students face when they understand a topic, or full participation according to the conversation but my greatest inspiration has been a proof of the responsibility and job a teacher must do and it is as well what keeps me attached to lower grade groups.
It is really something common, something that must happen to end a successful year but when you are a student teacher and are trying your best experimenting different ways to perform having first graders reach the goal you set from the very first day is a magnificent feeling.
When the first graders I was working with started reading and actually understanding most of what was happening with the story was a huge moment for me, I decided I wanted all of it, the struggle, the patience, the effort, the work, all of it just for them to finally reach their goal. Those moments are the most gratefully a teacher can experience, that is the whole point to have your students achieve the goal set for them.

As I mentioned, not everything has been honey, the things that most deflated me are the ones that are beyond my power. For example observing how the development of a child is not what you know could be because of circumstances he or she has at home and as much as you and they try there are other bigger and more important things that have to be taken care of before he can actually concentrate in performing and achieving at school. These moments might happen often some years and not so much others, but as Instructor I will try to do as much as I possibly can to help this kid succeed and understand that if it’s not happening might not be anyone’s fault as sometimes their lives are more complicated than what they would have to handle.
I am thankfully a positive person myself, always trying to look for the bright side so if anyone asks I always will tell the best parts of being a teacher and how students can make you feel you are doing a great job several times a day without even knowing, but if anything I am also honest I will always tell you it is not easy, not simple and incredibly great at the same time.

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